Café Eik en Linde viert Valentijnsfeest
Café Eik en Linde viert Valentijnsfeest met Eik On Air
An age-old café in the Plantage neighbourhood of Amsterdam. Here you’ll find information about the café, including its history, location, and our meeting room. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. You can find out what our most common consumptions cost here.
Eik en Linde is open daily except on Sunday.
We hope to see you soon, on behalf of all employees.
Kasper Verberne
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Café Eik en Linde viert Valentijnsfeest met Eik On Air
Op 28 maart was Paul de Leeuw te gast in Eik en
Op woensdag 13 juli staat een “Eik on Air night” gepland in
Email: info@eikenlinde.nl
Phone: +31 (0) 20 6225716
Mon: 11.00 tot 24.00.
Tue: Wo, Do: 11.00 tot 01.00
Fri: 11.00 tot 02.00
Sat: 14.00 tot 02.00
Sun: closed.
Plantage Middenlaan 22A, 1018 DE, Amsterdam